Membership Categories

All members (with the exception of Department) shall have voting privileges, be eligible to hold office, receive the CSCA newsletter, receive a yearly subscription to the journal, and exercise such other privileges as may be provided by CSCA. Membership in CSCA may commence at any time, although the membership term coincides with the calendar year: January 1 to December 31.

CSCA is committed to protecting the privacy of its members. As such, CSCA does not sell or share its membership list with any agency, organization, or institution without the consent of the membership.

There are six types of memberships available. The current rate for each membership can be obtained from the Executive Director. CSCA is also an affiliate member of the International Communication Association. As such, CSCA members can attend ICA conferences at the member rate even without an ICA membership. Information about how to secure the member rate for the ICA conferences will be sent via an email from the CSCA Executive Director each year.


Student members must be enrolled in undergraduate or graduate studies. Student members shall receive on a yearly basis a subscription to the journal free of charge. For additional fees, Student members can elect to attend the annual convention and subscribe to the regional journals.


Regular members cannot be enrolled in undergraduate or graduate studies. Regular members shall receive on a yearly basis a subscription to the journal free of charge. For additional fees, Regular members can elect to attend the annual convention and subscribe to the regional journals.

Regular (Non Tenure Track/Temporary/Adjunct)

Regular (Non Tenure Track/Temporary/Adjunct) members cannot be enrolled in undergraduate or graduate studies and cannot be currently employed in a tenure track or tenured faculty position. Regular (Non Tenure Track/Temporary/Adjunct) members shall receive on a yearly basis a subscription to the journal free of charge. For additional fees, Regular (Non Tenure Track/Temporary/Adjunct) members can elect to attend the annual convention and subscribe to the regional journals.


Patron members make an additional financial commitment to CSCA. As such, Patron members shall receive a yearly subscription to the journal free of charge, receive a yearly subscription to the regional journals free of charge, and have their annual convention fee waived.


Life members make a substantial financial commitment to CSCA. As such, Life members shall receive a yearly subscription to the journal free of charge, receive a yearly online subscription to the regional journals free of charge, and have their annual convention fee waived.


Emeritus members shall receive for life the convention fee at a discounted rate and be able to subscribe to receive the print journal for an additional fee. To be eligible for the status of Emeritus member, an individual must be  officially retired. To gain the status of Emeritus member, the individual must submit a written request to the Executive Director. The Executive Director will make the final decision to award Emeritus membership.


Department members shall receive a yearly subscription to the journal free of charge, have the annual convention fee for one department member waived, and be listed on the CSCA website. The selection of the department member who receives the annual convention fee waiver is left to the discretion of the department.
