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CSCA OPC Interest Group - Call for Submissions: Special Issue for Emotional Communication, Organizations, and Sustainability

Dear Colleagues,

The study of emotional communication in organizations has gained momentum over the last 30 years as researchers and practitioners recognize how emotions shape and are shaped by organizations and members. The ways organizational members communicate and learn emotional rules through organizational socialization processes, perform emotions through emotional labor, manage their own and others’ emotions through emotional intelligence, and spread emotions through emotional contagion all influence member and organizational sustainability. Importantly emotional communication in organizations has sustainability implications for member commitment, satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviors, engagement, and mental and physical health. Further, emotional communication can create positive organizational climates where employees and organizations thrive or toxic cultures that tolerate or even encourage harassment and bullying that threatens long-term sustainability.

This Special Issue focuses on emotional communication in organizations to further understanding of this important topic and generate practical solutions for organizations and their members to promote sustainability. Submission topics may consider, but are not limited, to the following:

A variety of methodological approaches and disciplinary/interdisciplinary focuses are welcomed. Submissions may include original research articles, organizational case studies, or comprehensive reviews. All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process with the aim of distributing research results, developments, and applications in a timely manner to a widespread audience. Submissions are due no later than June 30, 2021.

For more information, see the full call at:

Feel free to contact Sarah Riforgiate at with any questions.

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