Central States Communication Association (CSCA)
Annual Convention-Grand Rapids, MI
April 2- April 7, 2024
Incoherence: Failure, Futures, and Forgotten Messages
The Popular Culture Interest Group (PCIG) invites the submission of competitive papers, panels, roundtable discussions, and innovative programming for the 2024 CSCA convention in Grand Rapids, MI (April 2-7). The purpose of the PCIG is to promote the interdisciplinary study of popular culture research, scholarship, and creativity. In accordance with this year’s conference theme, “Incoherence: Failure, Futures, and Forgotten Messages,” PCIG invites submissions that consider any aspect of popular culture including:
Submissions that foreground the voices of marginalized groups and underrepresented scholars are especially welcomed. We encourage graduate students to submit their scholarship. Regarding panels, preference will be given to those with panelists representing multiple institutions rather than representing a single institution. The interest group recognizes both the Top Paper and Top Student Paper with monetary awards. When applicable, the interest group also recognizes the Top Panel.
Submission Requirements
Papers: Only completed papers will be considered for acceptance. Please make sure to remove author(s) names and identifying information. Papers must include a title and brief abstract. Students should type “STUDENT” on the upper right-hand corner of the title page. If the paper is a graduate student debut, please type “DEBUT STUDENT” in the upper right-hand corner of the title page. To be considered a graduate student debut paper: (a) the author must be a graduate student, (b) the paper must have single authorship, and (c) the paper must be the author’s first paper to be presented at CSCA. If you would like your paper to be considered for the Equity & Inclusive Scholarship Award, type “EQUITY & INCLUSION” in the upper right-hand corner of the title page and select the “Equity and Inclusion Scholarship” option when submitting. To be considered as an exemplar of inclusive scholarship, the paper must demonstrate academic rigor in the examination of communication and historically marginalized communities and clearly articulate, in at least one paragraph, how it addresses equity and inclusion.
Panels: Paper panels and discussion panels both will be considered for acceptance. Paper panels should include (a) title, (b) panel chair, (c) respondent, (d) a 75-word description, (e) rationale of the panel (no more than 3,000 words), and (e) paper titles and abstracts from each of the panelists. We suggest at least four but no more than five panelists. Discussion panels should include (a) title, (b) chair to moderate the discussion, (c) names and affiliations of the panelists, (d) a 75-word description, and (e) rationale of the panel (no more than 3,000 words).
Technology, Scheduling and Submission Deadline
All technology requests must be made at the time of submission. Scheduling restrictions regarding travel limitations, religious observances, or similar constraints must be made at the time of submission. Submissions must be received by 11:59 PM, CDT, October 7, 2023. Send submissions electronically through our online system via the CSCA website.
Finally, we encourage submitters to create a profile on the CSCA convention website as this will make later steps in the process much easier. Membership is not required to create a profile.If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the PCIG program planner, Matt Meier at mmeier9@gmail.com or at popcultureinterestgroup@gmail.com. You also can locate us on Facebook at CSCA Popular Culture Interest Group; on Twitter and Instagram @PCIG_CSCA.