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Statement of Meals Provided at the 2014 CSCA Annual Convention

It has been brought to our attention that some state laws and/or institutional policies are now requiring that an explicit statement be issued by a conference's hosting organization about meals served in order for reimbursements to be offered to those in attendance. As such, we would like to offer the following official declaration of meals served for members to use, if needed, as they pursue reimbursement:
For the 2014 Central States Communication Association annual convention in Minneapolis, MN, there was only one meal provided to all members. A lunch was served at the Hall of Fame Awards Luncheon and Business Meeting on Friday, April 4 at 12:15 p.m. in the Northstar Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency. All members were eligible to attend, but seating was limited and available on a "first come, first serve" basis through a ticketing process. Additional information is available via the full conference program:
We hope this statement is helpful to members who might need it. We will continue to try and ensure that our receipts and conference programs continue to contain the information members need in order to be fairly reimbursed for their conference attendance.

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