Complete Story


CSCA - OPC IG Members

Dear OPC IG Members,

It was great to see many of you at CSCA this year! Thanks especially to those of you who attended our business meeting and provided feedback on our bylaws and other items on the agenda.

The revised bylaws have been sent to David McMahan (CSCA First Vice President) to be posted to the CSCA website. During our OPC business meeting, we decided to continue not to have a secretary for our group. However, during the program planner meeting the following morning, I learned from David McMahan that we are required to have a secretary in order to be in compliance with the CSCA Constitution. Therefore, he asked me to appoint someone on the spot. Considering the secretary duties at that point were past tense, I appointed interest group member Katherine M. Kelley (Fort Hays State University) as a place holder secretary.

I confirmed with David that this is not a voting item, since it is required of each interest group. Thus, I added a Secretary to our bylaws which you'll see posted online. Remembering the concerns in our discussion about adding a secretary, I've written the position without any succession requirements.

We can discuss any concerns during our business meeting in Madison, but I wanted to make you aware of the situation now. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Also, the trip to The Nerdery was a success! It sounds like another event will be in the works for next year, so please keep an eye out for those emails.

And, don't forget to "like us" on facebook:


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